Cooperating Teachers
Student teaching is your capstone experience, connecting educational theory and subject matter content to the practice of teaching.
Teacher candidates have had a wide range of field experiences before entering the classroom for student teaching. The student teaching semester provides an opportunity for the teacher candidate to plan, implement and evaluate professional decisions in the school setting. It is at this time that the individual makes the transition from being a teacher candidate to professional educator. The cooperating teacher plays a critical role in helping make that transition.
As a cooperating teacher, you have been selected because you are a highly qualified professional educator who brings a wealth of educational experience to the classroom each day. In addition, you have been recommended by the building principal and deemed to possess the necessary dispositions to positively mentor a student teacher. Through your preparation, guidance and knowledge, your student teacher will experience an important instructional role in the classroom. You set the tone for the student teacher by providing encouragement, advice and example. Open communication is critical when presenting teacher expectations, guiding instructional decisions and evaluating teaching performance. By accepting and mentoring a student teacher, you are making a vital contribution to the future of the teaching profession.
Cooperating Teacher information
- Student Teaching Handbook
- Co-Mentoring Student Teachers Handbook
- Student Teaching Assessment Tool (STAT) Working Copy
- Student Teaching Team
- For the Cooperating Teacher
- Coaching Throughout the Student Teaching Experience
- Timeline for the Student Teaching Experience
- Weekly Check-In Form
- Special Education Student Teaching Checklist