/ Center for Global Engagement

Global Development Opportunities for Faculty

The Center for Global Engagement is connected to affiliate programs throughout the world, and we’re able to offer them to our Hope College faculty for furthering professional development.

By exchanging ideas with other faculty around the globe, you’ll be able to enhance your teaching methods and create an international conversation in your classroom, benefitting your students.

Faculty Exchange at Meiji Gakuin University

Hope College faculty members may apply to become an exchange professor for one semester at Meiji Gakuin University, one of our Global Partner Institutions in Japan. An exchange professor teaches two courses in English, at either or both the Yokohama or Shirokane (Tokyo) campuses of Meiji Gakuin University.

Faculty Development

Our affiliate programs around the world are well-equipped for helping to enhance your professional development and provide a unique view into other methods. See the links below and contact our office for more information.

May/June Term Program Development

Are you interested in developing your own May/June Term off-campus study program? We offer a series of workshops that will guide you through how to best prepare, plan and execute a short-term program. Topics include logistical preparation, risk management, health and safety, recruiting, marketing and assessment. We recommend an 18-month planning and implementation phase. Please contact the Fried Center for Global Engagement to learn more about these workshops and to begin the process of developing your own program.

Risk Management

Are you leading a group of students off-campus?  If so, please be sure to complete the appropriate paperwork. For questions about these forms or other health and safety related questions, please contact the Travel Risk and Responsibility Team.

Advising our Students

We offer guidance on advising your students before and after their off-campus programs or during their stay as international students.  Please contact us with any questions you might have and/or if you would like to receive the Faculty Advising Guide for Off-Campus Study.

Interested in learning more about how to best support an international student in and out of class? Find more with our Guide for Faculty and Instructors.

Looking for more information about specific programs?

Academic Year at Waseda University, Japan

Are you interested in spending a year in Japan as a resident director? Each year, a GLCA/ACM faculty member is selected to spend a year teaching at the Japan Study Program hosted at Waseda University. Typically this is considered a year of teaching, rather than a sabbatical year. For more information, please visit Japan Study or contact:

Dr. Dyron Dabney
Director, Japan Study
Earlham College
phone 765.983.1890
fax 765.983.1798

Japan Study Faculty Development Grant
Are you interested in research and development opportunities in Japan? Contact Japan Study for grant opportunities.
International Week at Technos College, Japan
Are you interested in leading a small group of students to Japan to participate in the annual International Week at Technos College? Please contact Amy Otis at x7605 or otis@hope.edu
Research/Collaborative work at one of our global partners
For opportunities to conduct research and/or teach overseas at one of our global partners, please contact Amy Otis at x7605 or otis@hope.edu