Office Staff
We work closely with Hope’s international and off-campus study students all year long. If you have questions, we’re here to help.
Our team members are listed alphabetically by last name. For general off-campus study inquiries, please email or call 616.395.7605. For general international student inquiries, please email
Habeeb Awad
International Student Advisor616.395.7608
hawad@hope.eduMartha Miller Center 120 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423-3615
Abraham De La Rosa
Assistant Director of the Center for Global Engagement616.395.7605
delarosa@hope.eduMartha Miller Center Room 107 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Jasmine Lowell
International Education Coordinator616.395.7080
lowell@hope.eduMartha Miller Center 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423-3698
Amy Quincey
Senior Director of Fried Center for Global Engagement616.395.7605
quincey@hope.eduMartha Miller Center 217 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423-3615
Becky Thompson
Off Campus Study Advisor616.395.7605
thompsonr@hope.eduMartha Miller Center 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Katie Ulrich
Off-Campus Study Advisor616.395.7605
ulrich@hope.eduMartha Miller Center Room 107 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Kendra Williams
kwilliams@hope.eduMartha Miller Center Room 107 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dean Emeritus of International and Multicultural Education