A total of 17 student leaders, 23 student organizations, 27 miracle families, 52 sponsors, 66 committee members, 130 dancers, 360 moralers - and one cause.
Children's Miracle Network (CMN) Dance Marathon, which will run Friday-Saturday, March 5-6, from 7 p.m. to 7 p.m., is one of Hope College's largest student efforts and it is truly a selfless cause. All the effort is conducted on behalf of the DeVos Children's Hospital (DVCH) Foundation in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan.
CMN Dance Marathon first came to Hope in March of 2000. Though a school of the college's size was only expected to raise about $5,000, the students worked hard to raise more $23,000 for DVCH.
In four years, Dance Marathon has become a campus-wide event with literally hundreds involved in making the effort succeed. Hope has raised over $177,000, and hopes to hit the quarter million mark after its fifth year.Hope College's Dance Marathon has done more than exceed expectations: it has raised more than any other Dance Marathon at a school of Hope's size. Last fall, Dance Marathon was awarded the Youth in Philanthropy award by the West Michigan Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
This year's Dance Marathon, which will be held in the college's Dow Center, will feature a variety of events in addition to the 24-hour dance effort itself. Scheduled highlights include the Chapter 6 A Capella Group, the annual Lip-Sync, Miracle Family testimonies, and various performances by student and local groups. Members of the public are invited to observe the marathon and activities.
Additional information can be found on the Dance Marathon website.
The Dow Center is located on Columbia Avenue at 13th Street.