/ Registrar's Office

Declaring a Major or Minor

Ready to declare a major or minor? Learn how to do it below.


Whether you are decided, undecided or somewhere in between, Hope offers a variety of resources to help you better understand yourself, clarify your goals and declare a major that is a great fit for you. We encourage you to talk through the decision with your academic advisor and to take advantage of the resources at the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career.


If you entered Hope as a first-year student, you may declare a major after you complete your first semester. If you entered as a transfer, you can declare anytime. Anyone may declare a minor at any time. All of Hope’s currently-offered majors and minors are listed in Degree Works, using the What If feature.

For most majors and minors, declaring is as simple as completing the appropriate Google form using the link below. We will route your form submission to the academic department for approval. After the department approves it, we will update your major/minor and you will be able to see it in Degree Works.

If you have any questions about your intended major or minor before you declare, you are always welcome to contact the department to set up a meeting with a faculty member.

Some departments have a few other requirements for declaring a major, in addition to the form. Those departments are listed below.

Each major or minor you declare requires its own form, since the department chairperson needs to approve it. If you want to undeclare, or even just switch a major or minor, you must also complete the form to undeclare.


These departments have requirements you must meet prior to or in conjunction with submitting the declaration form. Some requirements are only for declaring a major in the department; some are for declaring a major or a minor.

When you submit the major declaration form, you will also need to submit the Biology Major Supplemental Form. If you are declaring the minor or switching degrees within the biology major (B.A. to B.S., or B.S. to B.A.), you do not need to complete the supplemental form.

Majors must complete an academic internship (Comm 399) during their junior or senior year and must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the major to qualify for the internship program.

Economics and Business

Prior to declaring a major or minor in the Economics & Business Department, you will need to fulfill a few requirements before being accepted. More information can be found on the department website.


It is recommended that you submit the major declaration form as soon as you decide on it (preferably during the semester when you are finishing your final Level 1 courses) so that you can be advised by a faculty member within the department. You must meet several requirements prior to being admitted to the department, which are listed on the department website. The requirements will also be shared in the department orientation sessions, one of which you are required to attend.


In addition to submitting the major declaration form, submit a brief statement about your goals and reasons for pursuing a music major. Please submit your declaration and statement to music@hope.edu.


To declare a major in nursing, you must first be accepted into the nursing program. Admission to the nursing program occurs twice a year and application materials must be received by February 1 or October 1 to receive a response prior to registration for the following semester.

More information can be found on the Department of Nursing website.

  1. Submit your major declaration form.
  2. Complete the Psychology Major Interest Form.
  3. Attend a required major declaration meeting. Dates are listed on the Psychology Department website.
Social Work – CSWE Approved
  1. Take SWK 241 – Introduction to Social Welfare.
  2. Maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 and a 2.7 GPA in first- and second-year social work required courses.
  3. Meet with a faculty member.
  4. Admission to the social work major occurs twice a year, the semester in which you take SWK 241. Social Work major application materials are provided in SWK 241 and must be received by October 15 (if taken in the fall semester) or February 15 (if taken in the spring semester).
  5. Admission to the program is not guaranteed.

More information about the program can be found on the Department of Sociology and Social Work website.


You are strongly encouraged to meet with a department faculty member prior to submitting your major declaration form.


Submit your major declaration form. Once declared, you will meet with your theatre advisor to complete a major contract. This contract should be completed within the same semester as your declaration.