Meet the Team
Twenty-eight students make up the executive planning committee for Dance Marathon known as Dream Team.
Dream Team is responsible for planning all aspects of Dance Marathon and its events
throughout the year, while also fundraising and increasing awareness at Hope. These
are the people who make it all happen.
A year-long commitment, Dream Team is not for the faint of heart! Dream Team members spend the year organizing fundraisers, recruiting dancers and moralers, coordinating events with the Miracle Families and, of course, attending to every last detail of the marathon itself.
Preferred candidates for Dream Team have prior experience with the event, either serving on one of the planning committees or participating as a dancer or moraler.
Applications for Dream Team are made available annually following the marathon in March. If you’re interested or have questions, please email
Meet Dream Team 2024–2025
- Advisor: Andrew Haggerty
- Director of External Affairs: Amanda Timonen
- Director of Internal Affairs: Isabelle VanAntwerpen
- Director of Logistics: Grace Hammers
- Director of Finance: Elsie Craig
- Family Relations Chairs: Jacqui Jacobson and Kaley Vitu
- Hospital Relations Chairs: Aidan Becher and Madison Slattery
- Community Relations Chairs: Maggie Hauptstueck and Brianna Stepchuk
- Campus Relations Chairs: Mel Graham, Maddie Klunder, and Caleb Oderinde
- Morale Squad Chairs: Ali Wegner and Adam VanDellen
- Accessibility & Inclusion Chair: Caitlin Geaney
- Decorations and Event Management Chairs: Mara Feldmeier, Jenna Hayes, and Elyse Vroom
- Entertainment Chairs: Lauren Adamski and Ellie Coderre
- Catering Chairs: Ana Garcia and Quinn Feldmeier
- Signature Fundraisers Chairs: Alexa Burgess and Lizzie King
- Sponsorships Chair: Mary Kapitula
- Publicity and Merchandise Chairs: Heath Giesel and Rae Radtke
Interested in Dream Team?
Let us know you’re interested or ask questions at