Character Forward Grant
The Character Forward Grant is a three-year Institutional Impact Grant from the Wake Forest Educating Character Initiative. It is designed to catalyze character development efforts across the college and to establish infrastructure that will support this work long after the life of the grant.
The Hope Forward Initiative and programming provides a unique framework for further development of campus-wide engagement with several core virtues. Specifically, we will be focusing on the character development of generosity and gratitude in courses, research and scholarship, and co-curricular activities and programming across the entire college.
Call for Proposals for Faculty Research Grants (due January 3)
Grant Personnel
Dr. Daryl Van Tongeren Principal Investigator 616.395.7432
vantongeren@hope.eduAnderson-Werkman Center Suite 260 100 East 8th Street Holland, MI 49423
Nicole Dunteman Co-Principal Investigator 616.395.7842
dunteman@hope.eduBultman Student Center Suite 107B 272 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Steering Committee Members
Dr. Chad Carlson Character Hub Director 616.395.7057
ccarlson@hope.eduDeVos Fieldhouse 222 Fairbanks Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Angela Carpenter Arts & Humanities Faculty Steering Committee Member 616.395.7750
carpenter@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 105 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Chris Turlington Natural & Applied Sciences Faculty Steering Committee Member 616.395.6882
turlington@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 3122 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Deb Van Duinen Social Sciences Faculty Steering Committee Member 616.395.7737
vanduinen@hope.eduVanZoeren Hall Room 283 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Ellen Awad Staff Liaison
awad@hope.eduBultman Student Center Suite 107 272 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Krista Carter Staff Liaison
carter@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center Suite 136 141 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423