/ Library

Faculty Publications

The purpose of this collection is to make publications by the faculty available for use by the community.

The library maintains the Cumulative Bibliography of Publications by Hope College faculty. It, rather than the Faculty Publications Collection, serves as a more complete record of the scholarship of the Hope College faculty.

The library seeks to obtain and keep any book by any Hope author (active and emeriti) including text books; edited works; novels; collected works of essays, poems, stories, etc. (by the faculty member); collected works with more than one Hope author; laboratory manuals; guides; computer programs; translations; bibliographies published separately; multi-media shows; video recordings; audio recordings; etc. Items in the Faculty Publications Collection will not circulate and will not be weeded.

Case-by-Case Decisions

One copy of works for which a faculty member is the editor or contributor may be purchased and added to the collection if appropriate for the curriculum. Series edited by and software designed by Hope faculty will similarly be purchased and added to the collection if appropriate.

The library will not normally purchase books or individual issues of a journal with single poems, essays, or stories by a faculty member. The library may accept gifts from the faculty member of such items for compilation of the annual Bibliography of Faculty Publications and eventual retention in the archives.

Decisions concerning the purchase of a second copy of a faculty publication for the library’s circulating collection will be made on a case-by-case basis using the general selection criteria.

If a faculty publication is lost, stolen, or damaged, a decision concerning its replacement will also be made on a case-by-case basis.

(Last revised October 2020.)