/ Hope Academy of Senior Professionals (HASP)


HASP governance includes the Board of Directors as well as permanent and standing committees. 

The 15 board of directors standing in front of a stage while a presenter speaks.

Board of Directors

The makeup of the board includes:

  • Six at-large members elected by HASP membership for three-year terms on a rotating basis
  • The president, vice-president, HASP director, treasurer and the chairpersons of the six standing committees are ex officio voting members while holding office
  • Two persons from the Hope College faculty and staff, appointed annually by the President of Hope College, are voting members

The board meets four times a year and on special call. The board is vested with leadership in establishing policies and instituting programs "responsive to the wishes and needs of the members."

Officers and Board Members, 2024–2025

To contact an officer or board member, please reach out to the HASP office.

Position Name
President Claudia Berry
Vice President Alyce Dos
Treasurer Jerry Wagner
At-Large Member (expires 2025) Ed Schierbeek
At-Large Member (expires 2025) Scott Siakel
At-Large Member (expires 2026) Sarah Briggs
At-Large Member (expires 2026) Steve O'Connor
At-Large Member (expires 2027) Andrew Bissonnette
At-Large Member (expires 2027) Terry Nyhuis
Communications Ralph Fairbanks
Curriculum Judy Parr
Membership Kathy Torrey
Monthly Program Marilyn Schmidt
Service Beverly Rannow
Special Events Chet Pawlak
Faculty Staff Liaison Reagan Chesnut
Faculty/Staff Liaison Charles Mason

Permanent Committees

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the HASP president, the vice-president, the treasurer, the HASP director, and the two directors elected by the membership whose terms of office will expire at the end of that year. The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of HASP between meetings of the Board of Directors, subject to the right of the Board of Directors to ratify or nullify Executive Committee action at the next Board of Directors meeting.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be formed at the beginning of each HASP year. It shall consist of the HASP director, who shall serve as chairperson, the two directors elected by the membership whose terms expire at the end of that year, and three persons from the HASP membership appointed by the president.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee shall review the organizational operations, personnel needs and compensation for the hired staff according to the guidelines approved by the Board of Directors. The personnel committee consists of four members: the HASP president, the vice president, and the two retiring board members. The president may invite the HASP treasurer for consultation regarding budget changes.

Standing Committees

Currently six standing committees plan and direct the activities of HASP. The chairpersons are designated each year by the Executive Committee and the members are volunteers from the HASP membership. 

To contact an committee chair or member, please reach out to the HASP office.

Communications Committee
  • To prepare and disseminate information about academy activities to the Hope College community and the general public
  • To solicit, edit and publish literary and artistic offerings by HASP members in the HASP Review
  • Communications Chair – Ralph Fairbanks
Curriculum Committee

To conceive, initiate, promote and supervise courses, and study and discussion groups which address membership interests and needs. There are four sub-committees involved in planning curriculum:

  • Curriculum Chair – Judy Parr
  • Fine Arts – Lynne Williams
  • Humanities – Doug Brouwer
  • Science, Medicine, and Technology – Randall Miller
  • Social Sciences – Steve Norden
Membership Committee
  • To help orient new members to the purposes and procedures of the academy and the privileges of membership
  • To help new members become better acquainted with their academy colleagues
  • Membership Chair – Kathy Torrey
Monthly Program Committee

To plan and implement programs for monthly member program meetings, assessing periodically the interests of the membership and the special capabilities of members for participating in or presenting such programs. 

  • Monthly Program Chair - Marilyn Schmidt
Special Events Committee

To plan and administer special social, cultural, educational and recreational events each year, with the objective in part to further acquaintance and fellowship among members.

  • Special Events Chair – Chet Pawlak
Service Committee
  • To identify, from the college and community sources, needs and opportunities to achieve intellectual, social and cultural growth among members of the Hope College and area communities.
  • To ascertain the special competencies of academy members and their readiness to be a resource to help others, especially Hope students.
  • To publicize the requests and the resources, and to facilitate converting them into actual programs of service.
  • Service Chair – Beverly Rannow