About Us
Leadership Team
Bosma graduated from Calvin University with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Prior to joining the staff of the Calvin Prison Initiative, she worked at Calvin serving students in student life and academic departments.
Associate Director of Learning and Formation
Operations Manager
Administrative Assistant
Circle of Advisors
The Hope-Western Prison Education Program Circle of Advisors meets regularly with the program’s leadership and serves as a consultative group to help devise and review strategies to help the HWPEP accomplish its goals and purposes.
Boerigter served as president of the Board of Directors of Legal Aid Bureau of Southwestern Michigan, which eventually merged into Legal Aid of Western Michigan. He was awarded the Legal Aid of Western Michigan’s John N. Vlachos Award in 2007. He maintains a successful family and criminal law practice as managing partner of Kreis Enderle Hudgins & Borsos, PC. Jim’s motto is: “But for the grace of God go I!”
“The confines of prison compel individuals who seek a path of rehabilitation to engage in a soul-searching process and reflect on various aspects of a life gone astray. Most of that reflection is done in isolation or solitude where human qualities such as kindness, civility, and love are absent. Because we are relational beings, those missing qualities severely restrict a proper reception of any type of education. When the Michigan Department of Corrections allowed the opportunity for prisoners to participate in a faith-based education, the liberal arts were liberated – freed from their confinement to schools, they broke through prison walls.”
Leanne is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Her graduate degrees are an M.Div. from Calvin Theological Seminary, an MA from Western Michigan University and a Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary. She taught a theology course in the HWPEP in the fall semester of 2023, an experience which deeply impressed on her the high calling of prison education. She lives in the core city of Holland and enjoys hiking adventures, walking her dog, cooking, reading and quality time with family and friends.
Steering Committee
The Hope-Western Prison Education Program is well-served by a representative committee of devoted college and seminary faculty and staff. The Steering Committee provides advice, counsel, support and prayer for every aspect of the program.
His doctoral work focused on glory and the church in Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics, and his more recent research interests include explorations of land, place, resurrection, new creation and belonging. He is ordained in the Reformed Church in America, serves as book review editor of Reformed Journal, enjoys teaching in multiple contexts (including high school catechism), and is involved in NAAITS An Indigenous Learning Community (formerly the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies).
Support the program
For more information about how you can support The Hope-Western Prison Education Program, contact:
Kary Bosma
Dr. David Stubbs