/ Hope-Western Prison Education Program

Support the Program

The Hope-Western Prison Education Program is free for incarcerated students, so outside funding is crucial to begin changing the lives of these men.

“I have been incarcerated since I was in 11th grade. I have wanted to attend college all my life, but have never had the opportunity. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.” —Student, 2019

We Need your Financial Help

Students are not charged to enroll in The Hope-Western Prison Education Program. Though the program has the support of both institutions’ senior leadership, dozens of faculty allies and the Michigan Department of Corrections, it needs funding to continue transforming the lives of men incarcerated in the Muskegon Correctional Facility.

Donate online today!

How does your donation help?

$800 pays for one student’s textbooks for a year. $1,000 buys school supplies for 20 students for one year. $1,500 provides a seminarian teaching assistant stipend for one course. $5,500 pays for a student's education for one year. $6,000 pays for staff travel to Muskegon Correctional Facility for one year. $7,200 pays a professor stipend for one course. $20,000 provides laptop computers for 20 students for four years. $175,000 covers the cost of one year of college education for a cohort of 20 students.

Students from the Hope-Western Prison Education Program participating in a panel discussion

“I want to help as many men as possible here at Muskegon Correctional Facility until the Lord leads me elsewhere.” — Student, 2019