Available Software
We strive to maintain an up-to-date laboratory environment, in both hardware and software, using a combination of open-source and commercial products. Below is an outline of the hardware and software available in our teaching classroom and the student lab.
- Hardware
- Our main teaching classroom contains 26 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 tablets for student use. The student lab in VanderWerf 115 contains 12 high-powered PC desktop workstations with dual monitors and two 27" iMac desktop computers. In addition, there are 15 laptop stations where students can easily plug in their personal laptop and use it along with a keyboard, mouse and 23" Acer monitor.
- Development Environments and Tools
- Java Development Kit and Runtime environment, version 1.8.0_60
- BlueJ, version 3.1.5
- Eclipse, version Mars.2
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
- Matlab version 2016a
- ActiveState Perl, version 5.20.2
- Dr Racket, version 6.2.1 (a development environment for Racket, a LISP-like programming environment)
- Python, version 2.7.8
- Ant, version 1.9.4
- Maven, version 3.3.3
- Internet Tools
- Web browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera
- PuTTY (an ssh client)
- WinSCP (an ftp/scp client)
- Database Tools
- Java DB
- SQL Server Management Studio Express
- Office Tools
- Microsoft Office 2010, including (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Visio)
- Open Office version 4.1.0
- Utilities
- Notepad++ (a text editor)
- Adobe Reader
- Wireshark
- CutePDF PDF Writer
- Blender, version 2.77a (modeling, rendering, and animation tool)
- Notepad++ (a text editor)
Computer Science Department