Our department members are listed alphabetically by last name within each team. For general inquiries, please email or call 616.395.7835.
Director of Operations
Kara Slater
Director of Operations616.395.7836
slater@hope.edu200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Nick Duthler
Facilities Operations Manager616.395.7835
duthler@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Donna Essenburg
Project Assistant616.395.7835
essenburg@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Office Staff
Laura Clarke
Office Manager616.395.7281
clarke@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3603
Edna Zeeff
Office Assistant616.395.7835
zeeff@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Campus Services
Kelly Bublitz
Maintenance and Construction Manager616.395.7835
bublitz@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Michael Day
HVAC Technician616.395.7835
day@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Paul Dorn
General Trades Lead616.395.7835
dorn@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Allix Ebel
ebel@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Michael Fairchild
Boiler Plant Operator616.395.7835
fairchild@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Evan Fifer
Journeyman Electrician616.395.7835
fifer@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Todd Haverdink
Master Plumber616.395.7835
haverdink@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Kenneth Hibma
Fire Systems Technician616.395.7835
hibma@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Marc Hulst
Lead Electrician616.395.7835
hulstm@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Sherman LaBarge
General Mechanic/Preventative Maintenance616.395.7835
labarges@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Christopher Smith
General Mechanic/Preventative Maintenance616.395.7835
csmith@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Timothy Sneller
Master Plumber616.395.7835
sneller@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Michael Veltman
General Mechanic/HVACR616.395.7835
veltman@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Randall Vereeke
General Mechanic616.395.7835
vereeke@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Joshua Alleman
alleman@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3698
Noah Bosma
bosma@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Seth DeFouw
Groundskeeper/Sports Turf Assistant616.395.7835
defouw@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Robert Hunt
Grounds Manager616.395.7828
hunt@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Kevin Meyering
Work Coordinator616.395.7835
meyering@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
James Speelman
speelman@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Marcel ter Veen
Irrigation Specialist and Groundskeeper616.395.7835
terveen@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Custodial Services Manager
Timothy Scholten
Project Services Manager616.395.7835
scholtent@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Custodial - Athletics Areas
Trevor Boss
Campus Services Assistant616.395.7835
bosst@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Michael Culver
Building Services Manager616.395.7835
culver@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
David DePree
Building Coordinator616.395.7835
depreed@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Anthony Engebretson
engebretson@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Nicholas McNamara
Assistant Building Services Manager616.395.7835
mcnamara@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Mayoula Xayasane
xayasanem@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Custodial - Central Campus
Daniel Cross
cross@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Luiz Delao
Physical Plant - FT -
Eric Elgersma
Assistant Building Services Manager616.395.7835
elgersma@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Amelia Herman
Building Services Manager616.395.7835
herman@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Ronda Lameris
lameris@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Terry VanKampen
vankampen@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Michael Vos
vos@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Julia Zuniga
Custodial - East Campus
Barbara Hibma
hibmab@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Sean Reilly
reilly@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Theo Robert
Building and Equipment Services Manager616.395.7835
robert@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Nicholas Serrano
Building Coordinator616.395.7835
serranon@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Custodial - West Campus
Jennifer Daldos
Building Services Manager616.395.7835
daldos@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Anthony Eyre
eyre@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Jacob Huffman
Interim BSM616.395.7835
huffman@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Tim Klaasen
klaasen@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Scott Plaster
plaster@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Shelley Roach
roach@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Norman Sankey
sankey@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Shawn Scott
scotts@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Santiago Velez
velez@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Esther Zuniga
zunigae@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Hector Zuniga
zuniga@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Custodial - North Campus
Lisa Dirkse
dirksel@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Patricia Kloosterman
Assistant Building Services Manager616.395.7835
kloosterman@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Khamphosay Lotkhamnga
lotkhamnga@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Moy Rasasak
rasasak@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423-3512
Custodial - South Campus
Sara Borgman
borgmans@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Darlene Dirkse
Custodian616.395.7835 -
Amy Jacobs
Building Services Manager616.395.7835 -
Marcy Ebel
Assistant Building Services Manager616.395.7835
redder@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Robert Snider
snider@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423
Brandi Wehrmeyer
Building Services Manager616.395.7835
wehrmeyerb@hope.eduPhysical Plant Building 200 East 9th Street Holland, MI 49423