/ Computer Science Department

Fall 2017 Registration Recommendations

Here are some recommendations for courses to take based on the highest-numbered course you will have completed after spring 2017.

No Computer Science, or only 112/195

You should sign up for CSCI 225, Software Design & Implementation. In this course, you'll learn the basics of object-oriented programming using the Java programming language. No prior programming experience is assumed.

If your schedule permits, you can also sign up for CSCI 112, Exploring Computer Science.  

CSCI 225

You can sign up for CSCI 235, Data Structures & Software Design, or CSCI 245, Programming Language Paradigms. 235 is a continuation of learning to program using Java, while 245 focuses on several other languages, so you'll probably find it easier to continue on with 235. It's not recommended that you sign up for both of these courses at the same time, however. 245 is only offered in the fall semester, while 235 will also be offered in the spring. Both 300-level courses in spring 2018 require both of these courses as pre-requisites, so it doesn't matter a whole lot which one you choose to take at this time, although 235 is a pre-requisite for more 300-level courses than 245.

If your schedule permits, you can also sign up for CSCI 112, Exploring Computer Science.

Csci 235

You should sign up for CSCI 245, Programming Language Paradigms. You can also consider signing up for CSCI 255, Introduction to Algorithms & Discrete Structures. Some students have found it difficult to complete both of these courses concurrently, while others have been successful doing so. You should talk with your advisor or any computer science faculty member who knows you to help you decide what's best for you.

You can also pair CSCI 112, Exploring Computer Science, with either of these two courses.

CSCI 245

You should take CSCI 255, Introduction to Algorithms & Discrete Structures. You can also sign up for CSCI 112, Exploring Computer Science if you have not yet had that course.

You can consider taking one of the 300-level courses in addition to 255, but you might find this challenging. Talk with your academic advisor or a computer science faculty member who knows you to decide if this would be a good idea for you.

Completed all 200-level courses

If you've already completed 225, 235, 245 and 255, then you should sign up for one or both of the 300-level courses, which are CSCI 336, Computer & Network Security, and CSCI 392, Database Systems. CSCI 495, Mobile App Development, is another option you can choose.

If you haven't yet completed CSCI 112, Exploring Computer Science, you must do so before completing any of the 300-level courses.

Students planning to graduate during the 2017–18 academic year
You must sign up for CSCI 481, Senior Project Seminar. This is a fall-0nly course.

We also recommend these courses from other departments if you have room in your schedule:

  • COMM 140 - Public Presentations
  • ENGL 214 - Workplace Writing
  • ENGS 495 - Microcontroller Electronics (an introduction to embedded systems)
    Please contact Prof. Ensink (ensink@hope.edu) if you are interested in taking this class since it has some pre-requisites that CS students normally haven't completed.
    Microcontroller Electronics Course Description
    This course introduces the student to the fundamental concepts and skills necessary to understand and use embedded systems. Topics include: digital electronics, computer architecture, programming and microcontroller interfaces. Students build and program small computing systems that demonstrate the principles on which all information processing devices are based.
    Prerequisites: Intro to Electric Circuits, some programming experience.