Faculty and Staff
We’re a community of teacher-scholars and staff devoted to the study of religion in a global society and in the context of the historic Christian faith.
Dr. Kudzai Biri
Associate Professor of Religion616.395.7750
biri@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 108 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Steve Bouma-Prediger
Professor of Religion616.395.7757
boumapred@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 106 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3516
Dr. Wayne Brouwer
Professor of Religion Instruction616.395.7239
brouwerw@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 116 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3516
Dr. Angela Carpenter
Leonard and Marjorie Maas Associate Professor of Reformed Theology616.395.7750
carpenter@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 105 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
David DeJong
Assistant Professor of Religion616.395.7752
dejongd@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 109 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Rev. Dr. Lynn Japinga
Professor of Religion616.395.7753
japingal@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 104 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3516
Dr., Rev. Dru Johnson
Adjunct Faculty616.395.7750
johnsona@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 333 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Amy Krall
Assistant Professor of Religion616.395.7750
krall@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 333 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Matthew Kuiper
Evert J. and Hattie E. Blekkink Associate Professor of Religion616.395.7750
kuiper@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 117 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Ben Lappenga
Visiting Associate Professor of Religion616.395.7750
lappenga@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 314 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Jared Ortiz
Lavern '39 and Betty DePree '41 Van Kley Professor of Religion, Department Chair616.395.7756
jjortiz@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 107 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3516
Dr. Rakesh Peter-Dass
Associate Professor of Religion616.395.7749
peterdass@hope.eduLubbers Hall 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. David Stubbs
Adjunct Facultystubbsd@hope.edu -
Dr. Jeff Tyler
Professor of Religion616.395.7436
tyler@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 123 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3516
Joshua Wright
Assistant Professor of Religion Instruction616.395.7750
wright@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 114 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Vanessa Reyes
Philosophy/Religion - Office Manager616.395.7750
reyesv@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 226 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423