Faculty and Staff
Meet our faculty, instructors and staff.
The faculty and staff of the biology department are a dedicated, enthusiastic and highly published group of people who are extremely passionate about what we do. We're learners with diverse knowledge of the different aspects of biology, and we pass our knowledge on through engaging teaching and research.
Dr. Sean Beckwith
Assistant Professor of Biology616.395.6894
beckwith@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 3011 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Aaron Best
Harrison C. and Mary L. Visscher Professor of Genetics616.395.7376
best@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 3015 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Dr. Jennifer Blake-Mahmud
Assistant Professor of Biology616.395.7717
blakemahmud@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2025 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Francesca Borja
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology616.395.7720
borja@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Maria Burnatowska-Hledin
The Frederich Garrett & Helen Floor Dekker Professor of Biomedicine & Chemistry616.395.7764
hledin@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 3013 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Dr. Erika Calvo-Ochoa
Assistant Professor of Biology and Neuroscience616.395.6819
calvoochoa@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2019A 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Leah Chase
Professor of Biology & Chemistry616.395.7375
chase@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 3106A 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Dr. Dean Gibbons
Visiting Assistant Professor of Physiology616.395.7720
gibbons@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2023 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Benjamin Kopek
Associate Professor of Biology616.395.7713
kopek@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2029A 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3698
Dr. Jianhua Li
T. Elliot Weier Professor of Biology, Department Chair616.395.7460
li@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 3017 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Shana McCrumb
Associate Professor of Biology Instruction616.395.7226
mccrumb@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 1047 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Virginia McDonough-Stukey
Professor of Biology616.395.7715
mcdonough@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 3009A 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Terrie Morrow
Adjunct Faculty616.395.7720
morrowt@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 1043 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Vanessa Muilenburg
Associate Professor of Biology Instruction616.395.7174
muilenburg@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 3059 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Vickie Olson
Assistant Professor of Biology Instruction616.395.7720
olsonv@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2035 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Cody Porter
Assistant Professor of Biology616.395.7724
porterc@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2027 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Kelly Ronald
Assistant Professor of Biology616.395.7249
ronald@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 2021 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Alexis Snyder
Adjunct Faculty616.395.7720
snydera@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Joseph Stukey
Assistant Professor of Biology Instruction616.395.7295
stukey@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 3063 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Aaron Welsch
Associate Professor of Biology/Neuroscience Instruction616.395.7637
welsch@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 1049 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Lisa Woolsey
Adjunct Faculty616.395.7720
woolseyl@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Yang Yu
Assistant Professor of Biology Instruction616.395.7720
yu@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Abby Anchor
Wastewater Monitoring Laboratory Technician616.395.7720
anchora@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center, Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Lauren Cribbs
GWRI/Day 1:Watershed Next Generation Sequencing Lab Director616.395.7720
cribbs@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 3019 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Jacqueline DeBoard
GWRI Program Assistant616.395.7720
deboard@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Emily Ehrnstrom
Data Analysis and Molecular Detection Technicianehrnstrom@hope.edu -
Craig Elston
Greenhouse Manager616.395.7720
elston@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Grace Goszkowicz
Wastewater Monitoring Program Coordinator616.395.7720
goszkowicz@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Gerald Griffin
griffing@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center Floor 2 141 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Natalie Huisman
GWRI/Day 1: Watershed Chemistry Lab Director616.395.7720
huismann@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Emily Kindervater Murphy
Director of Biology Laboratories616.395.7722
kindervater@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2015 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Louis Kopp
Wastewater Monitoring Software Technician616.395.7720
kopp@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Jeffrey Landis
Wastewater Monitoring Laboratory Technician616.395.7720
landisj@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Nicole Larsen
Animal Care Specialistlarsen@hope.edu -
Isabella Miller
Wastewater Monitoring Laboratory Technicianpeters@hope.edu -
Melanie Renberg
Wastewater Monitoring Laboratory Technician616.395.7720
renberg@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Celia Rodrigues
Wastewater Monitoring Molecular Detection Coordinator616.395.7720
rodrigues@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Lainee Rokos
Office Manager616.395.7720
rokos@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Matt Rycenga
Wastewater Monitoring Program Manager616.395.7720
rycenga@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Vanessa Staggs
Wastewater Monitoring Laboratory Technician616.395.7720
kardian@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Danny Wade
Wastewater Monitoring Lab Site Supervisor616.395.7720
dwade@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Mackenzie Williams
Post-Baccalaureate Research Intern616.395.7720
williamsm@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 2103 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Professors Emeriti
Dr. Chris Barney Retired Faculty 616.395.7720
barney@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Tom Bultman Retired Faculty
bultmant@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Vicki Isola Retired Faculty 616.395.7720
isola@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Greg Murray Retired Faculty 616.395.7720
gmurray@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Kathy Winnett-Murray Retired Faculty 616.395.7720
winnetmurray@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423