Emmaus Faculty
Emmaus faculty members teach courses embedded throughout the Hope College curriculum.
In addition to other program requirements, Emmaus faculty members:
- Engage with, learn from and teach important ideas using primary texts written by Christians and non-Christians
- Cultivate intellectual virtues — read and write charitably, think carefully, listen respectfully, demonstrate intellectual humility
- Charitably teach multiple sides of issues, including highlighting weaknesses and disagreements with their own positions
- Respect students’ autonomy, allowing them to work out and practice their positions while holding them to high standards
- Are Christians who affirm the creeds without reservation
- Attend the Monday evening colloquium a minimum of once each semester or regularly attend a weekly or bi-weekly faculty colloquia at least one semester each year
- Provide Emmaus students in your classes with substantive feedback on written or oral assignments and meet with students to discuss their responses
- Meet for additional office hours with Emmaus students a few times each semester
Program Directors
Dr. Sandra Visser Co-Director of Emmaus Scholars Program, Professor of Philosophy 616.395.7549
visser@hope.eduLubbers Hall Office 215 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Joshua Kraut Co-Director of Emmaus Scholars Program, Associate Professor of French 616.395.7570
kraut@hope.eduMartha Miller Center 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Emmaus Faculty
Dr. Kirstin Birkhaug Assistant Professor of Political Science Instruction 616.395.7545
birkhaug@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 226 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Michael Brooks Visiting Assistant Professor of English
brooksm@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 303 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Flora Chuang Assistant Professor of Mandarin Chinese Instruction 616.395.7293
chuang@hope.eduMartha Miller Center 219 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Sarah Estelle Associate Professor of Economics 616.395.7571
estelle@hope.eduVanZoeren Hall 177 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Katherine Goodwin Assistant Professor of Women’s & Gender Studies
goodwin@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 226 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Lauren Hearit Assistant Professor of Management 616.395.7268
hearit@hope.eduVanZoeren Hall Room 171 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423
Allison Keep Visiting Assistant Professor of Music 616.395.7650
keepa@hope.eduJack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts 221 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. David Keep Assistant Professor of Music 616.395.7650
keep@hope.eduJack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts 221 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Griffin Klemick Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy 616.395.7194
klemick@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 226 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Greg Lookerse Assistant Professor of Art 616.395.6898
lookerse@hope.eduDe Pree Art Center 275 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Stephen Maiullo Interim Dean for Arts & Humanities 616.395.7748
maiullo@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 124 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Jack Mulder Professor of Philosophy 616.395.7294
mulderj@hope.eduLubbers Hall – Room 213 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Melissa Mulder Assistant Professor of Spanish Instruction 616.395.7566
mulderm@hope.eduMartha Miller Center – Room 214 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Jared Ortiz Professor of Religion 616.395.7756
jjortiz@hope.eduLubbers Hall 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Samuel Pang Assistant Professor of Music Instruction and Director of Orchestras 616.395.7650
pang@hope.eduMiller Center for Musical Arts 221 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. David Ryden Peter C. and Emajean Cook Professor of Political Science 616.395.7546
ryden@hope.eduLubbers Hall – Room 203 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Julia Smith Assistant Professor of Philosophy Instruction 616.395.7600
juliasmith@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 226 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Bram ten Berge Associate Professor of Classics 616.395.7570
tenberge@hope.eduMartha Miller Center 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Gloria Tseng Associate Professor of History 616.395.7461
616.395.7461Lubbers Hall Room 328 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Jeff Tyler Professor of Religion 616.395.7436
tyler@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 123 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Deb Van Duinen Arnold and Esther Sonneveldt Associate Professor of Education 616.395.7737
vanduinen@hope.eduVanZoeren Hall Room 283 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Kristin VanEyk Assistant Professor of English 616.745.3541
vaneyk@hope.eduLubbers Hall Room 318 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Logan Wigglesworth Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
wigglesworth@hope.eduLubbers Hall 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Lubbers Hall126 East 10th StreetRoom 215Holland, MI 49423
P. 616.395.7549